Against the Current Authors

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Last names beginning with "S"

S., George

Sáenz, Rocío

Sackrey, Charles

Said, Atef

Said, Edward

Salime, Zakia

Samary, Catherine

Sameh, Catherine Z.

Sampson, David

San Cristobal de las Casas, Coordinated Body of the Non-Governmental Organizations for Peace of

San Juan, Jr., E.

Sanbrano, Angela

Sanchez, Omar

Sanchez, Sonia

Sandberg, Brian

Sanders, Bernie

Sanson, Marc

Santamarina, Xiomara

Santiago, Myrna

Santos, Gonzalo

Santos-Orozco, Natalia

Saporta, Sol

Saptono, Carolus Irawan

Saramago, Jose

Sari, Dita

Sarkis, Charles

Saro-Wiwa, Ken

Satgar, Vishwas

Saucedo, Renee

Saunders, Noa

Savoie, Kathryn

Savran, Sungur

Sayre, Robert

Schafer, Meredith

Schenk, Anne

Schermerhorn, Tim

Schmidt, Ingo

Schoenman, Ralph

Scholars for Democracy and Socialism

Schragin, Adam

Schrecker, Ellen

Schulman, Jason

Schultz, Matt

Schuster, Eric

Schwartz, Justin

Schwartz, Michael

Schweitzer, Ellen

Scott, George

Scott, Jonathan

Sears, Alan

Seigel, Micol

Seitz, Barbara

Selimovic, Nada

Sentmanat, José Manuel

Sered, Barak

Serge, Traven

Sexton, Jared

Shahak, Israel

Shaikh, Anwar

Shalom, Stephen R.

Sharif, Sharifa

Sheahan, Maureen

Sheasby, Walt Contreras

Shehadeh, Saliem

Shellenberger, Michael

Shenker, Jill

Sheppard, Barry

Sherman, Don

Shlonsky, Ur

Shohat, Ella Habiba

Shor, Fran

Short, Jase

Sidibe, Amsatou Sow

Siegel, Paul

Silber, Earl

Silberstein, Patrick

Silverstein, Julia

Simanjuntak, Togi

Simcha, David

Simmons, Charles

Singer, Daniel

Singh, Navsharan

Singh, Pritam

Sirdenis, Triana Kazaleh

Sirotin, Vladimir

Siskind, Janet

Skanthakumar, Balasingham

Slaughter, Jane

Slavin, Morris

Smaldone, William

Smith, Andrea

Smith, Ashley

Smith, Brian K.

Smith, Brian

Smith, Cyril

Smith, David N.

Smith, Judith E.

Smith, Kimberly

Smith, Michael Steven

Smith, Richard

Smith, Sara R.

Smith, Tanya

Smith, Tom

Smith, Tony

Sobrino, Francisco T.

Socialist Challenge

Solano, Joaquín

Solano, Wilebaldo

Solenberger, Peter


Solidarity Against War, Moscow

Solomon, Mark

SOS Initiative

Sotsialnyi Rukh

South African Labour Bulletin, Editors of the

Spivak, Gayatri Chakravorty

Spronk, Susan

Stacy, Kate

Stamm, Karen

Stanfield, Lee

Stanley, Jason

Stapleton, Joe

Starin, Dawn

Starr, David

Steigerwalt, Susan

Stein, Jill

Stein, Leighton

Steiner, Isaac

Steven, Erwan, Florent, Gaby, Gaelle, Guillaume, Laetitia, Nina &

Stevens, Angi Becker

Stivers, Mike

Stocking, Rachel

Stokes, Lisa

Stolze, Ted

Stone, Peter

Storm, Cristien

Straehley, Cliff J.

Straehley, Clifford J.

Strike, Global Women's

Strong, Wes

Suber, Malcolm

Sundar, Aparna

Sundvall, Maria

Suny, Ronald Grigor

Swabeck, Arne

Swartzman, Simon

Sweezy, Paul

Swenson, Kristin

Swerdlow, Marian

Szczech, Clayton

Szelenyi, Ivan