Against the Current Authors

Click on a letter below to see the ATC authors whose last names start with the letter.

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Last names beginning with "P"

Pakpahan, Muchtar

Pal, Maïa

Palacios, Andrea

Palafox, José

Palestine Solidarity Committee

Paley, Dawn

Palmer, Bryan D.

Palumbo-Liu, David

Panitch, Leo

Paquette, Ray

Paredes, Jr., Efrén

Parenti, Christian

Parenti, Michael

Park, Kye Young

Parker, Johanna

Parker, Mike

Parker, Sarah

Pascoe, Ricardo

Patiño, Alejandro Toledo

Patton, Gwen

Pavicevic, Borka

Pechthalt, Joshua

Peck, Janice

Peisch, Sara

Peled, Nurit

Peled, Yoav

Pellett, Peter

Pelot-Hobbs, Lydia

Penland, Drew

Perfecto, Ivette

Perry, Hayden

Perry, Jeffrey B.

Peters, Dot

Peters-Slaughter, Rob

Peterson, Rachel

Petras, James

Phelps, Christopher

Phillips, Henry

Phillips, Joshua E.S.

Pieterson, Herman

Pine, Glen

Pinior, Józef

Pinkney, Dorothy

Pirani, Simon

Pitkin, Daisy

Pittenger, Mark

Pizzolato, Nicola

Plawiuk, Eugene

Plumb, Amanda

Poitevin, René Francisco

Pollack, Andy

Pollak, Lillian

Pollin, Robert

Polychroniou, Chronis

Ponvert, Phyllis

Pope, Debby

Pope, Sandy

Pope-Obeda, Emily

Popovych, Zakhar

Posadskaya, Anastasia

Post, Charlie

Postero, Nancy

Poteet, Ellen

Poulin, Richard

Pourmokhtari, Navid

Pozzi, Pablo

Pratt, David

Preobrazhenksii, Nikolai

Prescod, Paul

Pretz, Luke

Price, Wayne

Prieto, Julio Garcia

Principe, Michael

Pringle, Tim

Prins, Nomi

Printz, Jessica Kimball

Prokosch, Mike

Puerto Rico Libre

Pulley, Aislinn