Click on a letter below to see the ATC authors whose last names start with the letter.
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Last names beginning with "T"
Tahir, Shafik Abu
Takarabe, Clara
Taller de Formación Política (TFP), The
Tamari, Salim
Tambor, Milton
Tamvaklis, Nikos
Tan, Annie
Tanuro, Daniel
Tariq, Farooq
Tax, Meredith
Taylor, Douglas
Taylor, Keeanga-Yamahtta
team, W.A.T.E.R. Leadership
Tee, Michael
Tefft, Dawn
Teitel, Yakira
Téllez, Dora María
Terrall, Ben
Terry, Janice J.
Tesfagiorgis, Paulos
Thigpen, Anthony
Thomas, Clive Y.
Thompson, Frank
Thompson, Heather Ann
Thompson, Linda
Thompson, Wendy
Thomson, Peter
Thornett, Alan
Thos, Aurélie-Anne
Ticktin, Hillel H.
Tighe, Foss
Tilly, Chris
Tischler, Barbara L.
Tiwon, Sylvia
Todd, Ken
Tomkiewicz, Stanislas
Torrealba M., Carlos G.
Tosstorff, Reiner
Toussaint, Éric
Toweill, Jim
Trask, Haunani-Kay
Traub-Werner, Marion
Traverso, Enzo
Trevizo, Dolores
Tribich, Chloe
Trnka, Susanna
Trotz, D. Alissa
Tsemel, Lea
Tucker, Jerry
Tuesta, Mauricio
Twiss, Al
Twiss, Tom
Tyszkiewicz, Milka