Additional articles by ATC Authors and Friends

Beginning in September 2020, ATC‘s Opening Page featured not just articles from the printed magazine but also articles by authors and friends that were not printed in the magazine. These articles are collected here.

"Cop City" Must Be Shut Down!

— Malik Miah

"I don't want candies in Hell": A 20-year look at violence against women

— Mary Ellsberg

"Reparations Won" in the Classroom

— ATC interviews William Weaver and Lauren Bianchi

"Resistance Work" of Women Workers

— Catherine Samary

"Women! Life! Freedom!"

— Laya Hooshyari

“Developing Countries” Are Trapped in a New Debt Crisis

— Eric Toussaint

“The Canary in the Coal Mine”: Sri Lanka’s Crisis is a Chronicle Foretold

— Éric Toussaint interviews Balasingham Skanthakumar

A Frightening Glimpse of an Uncertain Future

— Alan Thornett

A Letter from the Editors: Clarity on Ukraine

— The Editors

A Letter from the Editors: The 21st Century Plague

— The Editors

A Question That Answers Itself

— Malik Miah

A Very American Coup

— Kit Adam Wainer

A Weapon vs. White Domestic Terrorists: Anti-Klan Act of 1871

— Malik Miah

Abortion Rights After Dobbs: The State of the Struggle

— Johanna Brenner

Actors Walk the Picket Lines

— Malik Miah

Actors' Strike Vs. Hollywood & TV Shows Achieves Victory

— Malik Miah

Adolfo Gilly: Three Remembrances

— Dan LaBotz; Suzi Weissman; Olivia Gall

Afghanistan: Taliban Victory the Product of US-NATO Intervention

— Malik Miah

After the Trumpster Fire

— The editors

Against Book Banning & Education Restrictions: Our Moment of Rising Resistance

— Harvey J. Graff

Against Multipolar Imperialism: Toward Socialist Multipolarity

— Promise Li

Alexey Navalny’s Return and Left Strategy

— lefteast

Alexi Navalny Killed in Prison

— Russian Socialist Movement

Amazon: Analyzing & Strategizing

An Introduction to Interviews on the Indian Farmers’ Massive Victory

— Sara Abraham

Analyzing the Results of the Indian Election

— Kunal Chattopadhyay

Anne Feeney, 1951-2021

— Ellis Boal

Apostle of Genocide Rules Israel from the Grave

— Cliff Conner

Are Cops Our Allies? No!

— Donna Cartwright

Behind "100% Preventable” Rail Disaster: Anti-worker Deregulation, Corporate greed

— Malik Miah

Behind Russia’s Ukraine Disaster

— an interview with Boris Karagarlitsky

Berlusconi Is Dead, the Nightmare of His Legacy Remains!

— Yorgos Mitralias

Beyond Choice: Why We Need Reproductive Justice

— Shui-yin Sharon Yam

Biden Claims "Success" While Resistance Grows inside Afghanistan

— Malik Miah

Black Workers Sue Tesla Over Systemic Racism

— Malik Miah

BLM stands with #EndSARS movement in Nigeria

— Malik Miah

Book Banning, Gag Orders, and the Organized Right Wing

— Al Kagan

Boris Kagarlitsky, Prisoner of Conscience

Bosses, Union Officials, Rank-&-Filers Debate Work from Home

— Steve Early

Brandon Johnson Defeats Political Establishment in Chicago

— Robert Bartlett

Brazil: Round 2 -- An Antifascist Passion

— Valerio Arcary

Building Power for the Long Term

— Stephanie Luce

Can Colombia’s Left Survive the Persistent Logics of Armed Conflict?

— Ben Gilvar-Parke

Can We Contain Nuclear Crises?

— Ansar Fayyazuddin & Erik Wallenberg interview Kate Brown

Canadian Tie Up

— Tony Leah

Capitalist Globalisation, Transnational Class Exploitation & the Global Police State

— Federico Fuentes interviews William I. Robinson

Cause at Heart: Socialists & the Abolition of Antisemitism

— Alan Wald

Chaos Here and There

Chauvin Trial -- One Battle Won, the War for Justice Continues

— Malik Miah

China: Commemoration of the Massacre: the Tian'anmen Square Movement

— Union syndicale Solidaires

Clean Energy or Weapons? What the “Breakthrough” in Nuclear Fusion Really Means

— M.V. Ramana

Clean Energy or Weapons? What the “Breakthrough” in Nuclear Fusion Really Means

Commemoration of the Massacre of the Tian'anmen Square Movement

— Anonymous

Conflict in Sudan: "Life-and-death battle"

— Dina Ezzat interviews Gilbert Achcar

Contemptible Court Sentences Courageous Attorney for Contempt of Court

— Cliff Conner

Cop Shoots Jacob Blake: Kenosha Intensifies Racial Reckoning

— Malik Miah

Court Rejects Kagarlitsky’s Appeal

COVID-19 Inferno Engulfs Those Caged in Michigan Prisons

— Efrén Paredes, Jr.

COVID-19 Vaccine Apartheid: No One Is Safe from Big Pharma

— Jack Gerson

Critique of "Leftwing" Antivax Disinformation: Antivaxxers of All Stripes Pose a Serious Threat to Public Health

— Cliff Conner

Davos 2023 Showed Us A Ruling Class Incapable of Resolving Global Crises

— William I. Robinson

Death, Abuse and Super-exploitation of Children on Rise

— Malik Miah

Degrowth: A Remarkable Renaissance

— Alan Thornett

Demand the Release of Boris Kagarlitsky

— Russian Socialist Movement

Drop Charges Vs. Pro-Palestine Activists in Singapore

Eightieth Anniversary of Walter Benjamin's Death. Ten Theses on His Contribution to Critical Theory

— Michael Löwy

Eileen Gu: Gold Medals at Olympics -- Anti-China Backlash at Home

— Malik Miah

Election Results in Israel: Full-steam Right

— Yacov Ben Efrat

Elijah McClain's Murder: Mother, Racial Justice Movement Win Indictments

— Malik Miah

Emergency: Defend Our Rights!

— Dianne Feeley

End the System of Private Patents!

— CADTM International, Collective, World March of Women, TNI, Womin

Erasing People through Disinformation: Syria and the “Anti-Imperialism” of Fools

— A group of Syrian writers and solidarity activists

Escalating Plunder

— Robert Brenner

Ethiopia: The Perils of War

— Pierre Beaudet interviews Paulos Tesfagiorgis

Explaining Kazakhstan Events

— Alexei Kozakov

Feminist Movements in Pakistan: Challenges and Struggles

— Asma Aamir

Fighting Anti-Asian Violence Cannot Include Apologies for the Chinese State

— Promise Li

Five Memphis Police Indicted for Murder

— Malik Miah

Fragments from a Past – La Lotta Continua

— Jeffrey L. Gould

Freedom for Boris Kagarlitsky! Solidarity is Stronger than Repression!

— Suzi Weissman

Friedrich Engels and Primitive Communism

— Michael Löwy

G7: Suspend Ukrainian Debt Payments -- Or Not

— Eric Toussaint

Gaza: A Ghastly Window into the Crisis of Global Capitalism

— William I. Robinson & Hoai-An Nguyen

Gilgit Baltistan: Baba Jan Free After Nine Years!

— Pierre Rousset

Gramsci’s Gift

— Alan Wald

Grand Theft Election?

— David Finkel for the Solidarity National Committee

Grieving for Others, Not for Ourselves


Half-Apology for Apartheid?

— David Finkel

Harry Belafonte -- A Life of Fighting Racism and Oppression

— Malik Miah

Have We Come a Long Way?

— Dianne Feeley

Health Care Battles in a Post-COVID World

— Malik Miah

Henrietta Lacks Stolen Cancer Cells Expose Medical Racism

— Malik Miah

History, Great Britain, and Julian Assange

— Clifford D. Conner

Hollywood, NY WGA Strike: “There Is No Industry Without Writers”

— Malik Miah

Hong Kong in Revolt: A Conversation with Au Loong-Yu

— Ivan Franceschini interviews Au Loong-Yu

How Jeremy Corbyn Was Toppled by the Israel Lobby

— Michael Steven Smith

How the Indian Farmers Built Unity

— Sara Abraham interviews Pritam Singh

Human Suffering, Mutual Aid, Public Health, and Future Struggles in Ukraine

— Sam Friedman

Ideology in Post-Soviet Russia

— Kit Adam Wainer

Impact of Israeli Genocidal War in Gaza on the Middle East

— Joseph Daher

India’s Modi Receives Royal Treatment from Biden

— Malik Miah

International Appeal for the Immediate Release of All Political Prisoners in Russia

— CADTM, Eric Toussaint, Collective, Tariq Ali, Dianne Feeley, Miguel Urbán Crespo, Gilbert Achcar, Fatima Zahra El Beghiti, Myriam Bregman, Noam Chomsky, Fernanda Melchionna and Suzi Weissman

International Food Crisis & Proposals to Overcome It

— Eric Toussaint & Omar Aziki

Interview with Ukrainian Feminist: "Our goal Is to win this war"

— Dick Nichols interviews Viktoriia Pihul

IPCC Report on Impacts of Warming: Faster, More Severe than Expected

— Daniel Tanuro

Israel in Turmoil: Why and What Next?

— Suzi Weissman interviews Yoav Peled

Israel: Geography, Demography and Racism

— Yacov Ben Efrat

Israel’s Genocidal War After Four Months

— Gilbert Achcar

Judicial Harassment Vs. Toomaj Salehi Continues

June 2022 Protests in Ecuador

— Marc Becker

Kathy Boudin (1943–2022)

— Michael Steven Smith

Kevin Floyd’s Foundational Queer Marxism: A Tribute

— Peter Drucker

Lessons from the 1960s: Paths to Rediscovering Universities

— Harvey J. Graff

London: Birth of a New Women’s Movement

— Anti*Capitalist Resistance activists

Making Gaza “Uninhabitable”: A Requiem

— David Finkel

Margara Millán

Martial Terror in the Neocolony: Plight of Philippine Women Political Prisoners

— E. San Juan, Jr.

Mass Protest Is Rising – Can It Confront Global Capitalism?

— William I. Robinson

Michigan Appellate Courts Curb Death in Prison Sentences for Minors

— Efrén Paredes, Jr.

Michigan Militia Terror Plot and the Election: What Does It Mean?

— Malik Miah

Mike Davis, 1946-2022

— The Editors

Milling Around

— Wes Jackson and Robert Jensen

Myanmar: Terror, Resistance & the Stakes -- A New Political Situation

— Pierre Rousset

Myanmar's Sunday Protest Results in More Deaths

New Campus Wars, 2024: A View from Ohio State

— Harvey J. Graff

New Day for the UAW

— Dianne Feeley

New History of Revolution Offers Hope for “Our Troubled Present”

— Kate Blackwood

Notes From the Underground

— Scott McLemee

Nuclear vs. Sun and Wind Energy

— Al Shelly and Bill Resnick debate

On COVID and the Plague of Capital

— Suzi Weissman interviews Rob Wallace, Meleiza Figueroa and Graham Christensen

On Hamas’s October Counter-Offensive

— Gilbert Achcar

On the 20th Congress of the Chinese Communist Party

— Au Loong-yu

Open Letter to the Israeli and U.S. Governments and Others Weaponizing the Issue of Rape

Open Letter to the Parties and Organizations of the São Paulo Forum

Opening the Door Wider to Jim Crow Laws?

— Malik Miah

Opposing U.S. Militarization in the Asia-Pacific While Seeing China's Emerging Imperialism

— Federico Fuentes interviews Au Loong-yu

Opposition to the "War on Women"

— Dianne Feeley

Organize Popular Safety Committees

— Iranian Teachers Coordinating Council

Otto Bauer's Austrian Revolution

— William Smaldone

Our Hero from Capitalism’s Hells

— Bryan Palmer

Our Strike is Essential! Together with Polish Women for Freedom of Abortion


Powerless in Texas

— Snehal Shingavi

Protest, Politics, Passion

— Alan Wald

Protests for Democracy in Israel: Questions and Answers

Punjab: The Depth of Resistance

— Sara Abraham interviews Navyug Gill

Putin’s War in Ukraine: In Saddam Hussein’s footsteps

— Gilbert Achcar

Reflections on the Kansas No Vote

— Angela Hubler

Remembering Sugar Man

Republicans Step up Racist, Anti-democratic Attacks

— Malik Miah

Republicans Target Trans, Gender-Diverse people

— Malik Miah

Revolutionary, Peasant Leader: Hugo Blanco (1934-2023)

— Maria Sundvall

Richmond Progressive Alliance Wins

— Mike Parker

Rosa Luxemburg's Revolutionary News

— Michael Löwy

Russian Feminist Anti-War Resistance Accepts Award

— Feminist Anti-War Resistance (Russia)

Russian Students Against War

— Collective

Save Academic Freedom!

— Paul Ortiz

Screenwriters' Victory

— Malik Miah

Sergei Lavrov: "Israel Pursues Objectives Similar to Those of Russia"!

— Yorgos Mitralias

Socialisms: A Critical Debate

— Catherine Samary

Solidarity Statement with Protests in China

Solidarity with the Palestinian people -- End the Occupation!

— Executive Bureau, Fourth International

Solidarity with Ukraine!

Stand Against Genocide & Imperialism, from Palestine to Ukraine

— Ukraine Solidarity Network

Starbucks: Supreme Court rules 8-1 for Union Busting

— Malik Miah

State Racism, Islamophobia & Religious Fundamentalism

— Joseph Daher

Statement by Turkish Ecology Movements -- Demands for Immediate Action

Stench of Zionist colonization

— Moshé Machover

Student Days in Iran

— Yassamine Mather

Sudan: From Revolution to War

— Muzan Alneel interviewed by Red Pepper

Support Ukrainian Resistance and Disempower Fossil Capital

— Ilya Budraitskis, Oksana Dutchak, Harald Etzbach, Bernd Gehrke, Eva Gelinsky, Renate Hürtgen, Zbigniew Marcin Kowalewski, Natalia Lomonosova, Hanna Perekhoda, Denys Pilash, Zakhar Popovych, Philipp Schmid, Christoph Wälz, Przemyslaw Wielgosz and Christian Zeller

Supreme Court Outlaws Affirmative Action, Falsely Claiming the U.S. Is a ‘Color Blind’ Society

— Malik Miah

Targeting Diversity, Equity & Inclusion in Higher Education

— Malik Miah

Teamster Election 2021: New Openings, Real Challenges

— Barry Eidlin

Thailand: Towards a Test of Strength

— Pierre Rousset

The “Antisemitism” Smear Weaponized

— The ATC editors

The “Tennessee Three:” For Democracy, Against Gun Violence

— Malik Miah

The Assange and Donziger Cases: Establishment Progressives & the DNC Media

— Cliff Conner

The Biden Administration's Foreign Policy

— Dianne Feeley

The Chauvin Trial: The Streets, or the Suites?

— August H. Nimtz Jr.

The Chauvin Verdict: A Historic Victory That Points the Way Forward

— August H. Nimtz, Jr.

The Coming Israeli Attack on Iran

— Gilbert Achcar

The Crisis is Permanent: Middle East and North Africa After 2011

— Gilbert Achcar

The First Decade of the Arab Revolutionary Process

— Gilbert Achcar

The First US-Israeli Joint War

— Gilbert Achcar

The Fortunate Marxist: Ernie Tate (1934-2021)

— Bryan D. Palmer

The French Political Crisis Continues

— Suzi Weissman interviews Sebastian Budgen

The G20’s Solutions -- Not! -- and the Need to Suspend Debt Repayment

— Eric Toussaint

The Historical Significance of the 2019 Hong Kong Resistance Movement

— Au Loong-yu

The Increasingly Impossible Middle Class

— David Roediger

The Increasingly Impossible Middle Class

— David Roediger

The Internationalism of Mike Davis

— Tom Reifer

The New McCarthyism: A Personal Testimony

— Warren Montag

The Normandale Park Shooting

— Kristian Williams

The Only Treatment is Freedom: Mumia Abu-Jamal and COVID

— Johanna Fernández

The Progressive Letter on Ukraine: Some Questions & Answers

— Stephen R. Shalom

The Roma Struggle from Protests to Political Liberation

— Sebijan Fejzula

The Significance of “Uncommitted” Vote in Michigan

— Malik Miah

The Statement of Minimum Demands of Independent Iranian Unions and Civil Society Organizations

The Student Movement for Palestine Spreading Everywhere

— Yorgos Mitralias

The United States & Eurasia: Some Geopolitical Reflections at a Time of Global Crisis

— Pierre Rousset

Thirty Years of Oslo

— Mouin Rabbani

Three Palestinian Students Shot in Vermont

— Malik Miah

To Vax or Not to Vax? THAT Is the Question

— Cliff Conner

December 8, 2021

Towards the Brown International of the European and global far right?

— Yorgos Mitralias

Twenty Years of the War on Terror

— Sudip Bhattacharya

Two Gaza Scenarios: Greater Israel vs. Oslo

— Gilbert Achcar

U.S. Supreme Court Upholds Jim Crow

— Malik Miah

Ukraine: A People's Peace, Not an Imperial Peace

Ukraine: Free Market Will Not Win the War

— Šuliokas Justinas

Unanswered Questions

— Steve Bloom

United States: The Racist War on Terror after 9/11

— Malik Miah

Universities Weaponized: The Case of Israel

— Michael Principe

University of Michigan President Ono & the Pepper-Spray Gang

— Alan Wald

Update: End of Line 5?

USA on the Brink?

— The Editors

Uvalde Mass Shooting Exposes Violence of Gun Culture & Endemic Racism

— Malik Miah

Victory Is Possible vs. Macron, His Reform & His 49.3!

— Nouveau Parti Anticpitalist Executive Committee (NPA)

Vigilantes Given Green Light to Kill: Rittenhouse Is Acquitted

— Malik Miah

War and Resistance

— Marko Bojcun

We Protect Us -- U-M Graduate Students Strike Back

— Kathleen Brown

Welcome to Against the Current

What Juneteenth Means in the Battle for Equality

— Malik Miah

What Next for Campus Movements for Gaza?

— Ivan Drury Zarin

Who Is Steven Donziger, Why Is He Unjustly Persecuted & Why Should We Care?

— Cliff Conner

Whoever Wins, This Election Is Not the End of Trumpism

— Barry Eidlin

Why Does the U.S. Government Support & Fund Israel?

— W.A.T.E.R. Leadership team

Why Many Blacks Turn on Biden Over Palestine

— Malik Miah

Why Should Ukraine’s Debt Be Canceled?

— Eric Toussaint interviewed by Sushovan Dhar

Why the Massive Protests Throughout Russia?

— Suzi Weissman's interviews Ilya Budraitskis

Why the Paris Commune Still Resonates, 150 Years Later

— Enzo Traverso

Women in the Farmers’ Struggle

— Sara Abraham interviews Navsharan Singh

Wood Theft

— Michael Principe