Drop Charges Vs. Pro-Palestine Activists in Singapore

WE, THE UNDERSIGNED organisations, are deeply concerned over the prosecution of three activists in Singapore for organising Palestine solidarity action.

The three pro-Palestine solidarity activists, Annamalai Kokila Parvathi, Siti Amirah Mohamed Asrori, and Mossammad Sobikun Nahar, were charged in court on 27th June 2024, under the Public Order Act for organising an assembly or procession without a permit related to the Palestine solidarity actions on 2nd February 2024.

As part of the National Day of Solidarity with Palestine, about 70 people marched to the Presidential Palace on 2nd February 2024 to deliver letters calling for the Prime Minister of Singapore to stop the Singaporean government’s complicity in the genocide committed by the Zionist regime of Israel.

Instead of listening to the people’s demands to take concrete action to end genocide in Palestine, the Singaporean government has resorted to pressing criminal charges on those who are peacefully expressing solidarity with the Palestinian people.

We call upon the government of Singapore to:

* Withdraw all charges against activists who engage in peaceful solidarity actions for Palestine;
* Stop all investigations into and intimidation of peaceful solidarity actions for Palestine;
* Stop being complicit in the genocide in Palestine committed by the Zionist regime of Israel by cutting off all links with Israel.

This is a joint statement initiated by the South East Asian Left Network and endorsed by:
1.Parti Sosialis Malaysia (PSM), Malaysia
2.Partido Lakas ng Masa (PLM), Philippines
3.Socialist Worker Thailand
4.Konfederasi Pergerakan Rakyat Indonesia (KPRI), Indonesia
5.Marsinah.id, Indonesia
6.Perempuan Mahardhika, Indonesia
7.Perserikatan Sosialis, Indonesia
8.Praxis, Indonesia
9.Sembada Bersama, Indonesia
10.Socialist Alliance, Australia
11.Socialist Alternative, Australia
12.Solidarity, Australia
13.Ecosocialism 2024 Conference
14.Socialist Aotearoa, New Zealand
15.Haqooq Khalq Party, Pakistan

Any organisation that would like to endorse this joint statement, can sign on here

Links, July 1, 2024

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