Suzi Weissman

Suzi Weissman is an editor of Against the Current and Critique. She is an award-winning broadcast journalist and hosts “Beneath the Surface” program on Los Angeles’ KPFK radio. Weissman is the author of Victor Serge: The Course is Set on Hope.

Adolfo Gilly: Three Remembrances

Freedom for Boris Kagarlitsky! Solidarity is Stronger than Repression!

International Appeal for the Immediate Release of All Political Prisoners in Russia

Israel in Turmoil: Why and What Next?

On COVID and the Plague of Capital

The French Political Crisis Continues

Why the Massive Protests Throughout Russia?

Solidarity Stronger Than Repression: The Case of Boris Kagarlitsky
Against the Current No. 230, May/June 2024

A Discussion with Eyewitnesses: People's War in Ukraine
Against the Current, No. 224, May/June 2023

Inequality, Gender Apartheid & Revolt
Against the Current, No. 222, January/February 2023

The Fight Over Inflation
Against the Current, No. 220, September/October 2022

On Israel's New Government
Against the Current No. 214, September/October 2021

Burma: The War vs. the People
Against the Current No. 213, July/August 2021

Behind Lebanon's Catastrophe
Against the Current No. 208, September/October 2020

Science, Politics and the Pandemic
Against the Current, No. 207, July/August 2020

In Memoriam: Hisham H. Ahmed
Against the Current, No. 203, November/December 2019

Talking to Those on the Border
Against the Current, No. 202, September/October 2019

The Crisis of British Politics
Against the Current, No. 202, September/October 2019

Behind the Economic Turbulence
Against the Current, No. 200, May/June 2019

The Russian Revolution and Workers Democracy
Against the Current, No. 188, May/June 2017

South Africa After Marikana
Against the Current, No. 161, November/December 2012

The Unfolding Arab Uprisings
Against the Current, No. 152, May/June 2011

Wilebaldo Solano As I Knew Him
Against the Current, No. 152, May/June 2011

Egypt Shakes the World
Against the Current, No. 151, March/April 2011

A Rejoinder: The Real Victor Serge
Against the Current, No. 142, September/October 2009

What's the Matter with the System?
Against the Current, No. 137, November/December 2008

Victor Serge: For Our Time
Against the Current, No. 136, September/October 2008

The Middle East in Flames
Against the Current, No. 124, September/October 2006

Interview with Gilbert Achcar
Against the Current, No. 122, May/June 2006

25 Years After the Gdansk Uprising
Against the Current, No. 121, March/April 2006

Surviving When the State Disappeared: Community vs. Katrina
Against the Current, No. 119, November/December 2005

Economic Crisis & Fundamentalism
Against the Current, No. 118, September/October 2005

Kyrgyzstan After Akayev
Against the Current, No. 118, September/October 2005

Remembering a Revolutionary Artiist: Vlady Presente!
Against the Current, No. 118, September/October 2005

Scamming Social Security
Against the Current, No. 117, July/August 2005

Alexander Buchman's Revolutionary Life
Against the Current, No. 104, May/June 2003

The War on the People
Against the Current, No. 87, July/August 2000

Putin's Contribution to Demcracy
Against the Current, No. 86, May/June 2000

From Yeltsin to Putin: Modern Democrat Gives Way to Modern Nationalist
Against the Current, No. 85, March/April 2000

Seattle: "What Democracy Looks Like"
Against the Current, No. 84, January/February 2000

Russia's Chechnya Syndrome
Against the Current, No. 84, January/February 2000

After Stalinism: An Exchange
Against the Current, No. 78, January/February 1999

Russia's Crisis: Capitalism in Question
Against the Current, No. 77, November/December 1998

The Russian Revolution Revisited
Against the Current, No. 75, July/August 1998

A View of the Teamster Tragedy
Against the Current, No. 72, January/February 1998

Human Rights in Serbia Today
Against the Current, No. 71, November/December 1997

The Value of Faculty and Tenure
Against the Current, No. 71, November/December 1997

After the French Election: Hopes and Dangers
Against the Current, No. 70, September/October 1997

Serbia's Democratic Uprising
Against the Current, No. 66, January/February 1997

Trotsky Assassinated Again
Against the Current, No. 63, July/August 1996

An Information Center for the Russian Workers' Movement
Against the Current, No. 48, January/February 1994

Bloody Moscow, October 1993
Against the Current, No. 47, November/December 1993

Socialism Is Not Stalinism
Against the Current, No. 38, May/June 1992

The Onus of Historical Impossibility
Against the Current, No. 36, January/February 1992

New Socialist Voices in the USSR
Against the Current, No. 26, May/June 1990

The Crisis in the Caucasus
Against the Current, No. 26, May/June 1990

New Stage in Salvadoran Struggle
Against the Current, No. 24, January/February 1990

Soviet Miners Stand Up
Against the Current, No. 24, January/February 1990

Crisis & Control of Soviet Labor, Part II
Against the Current, No. 23, November/December 1989

Back in the USSR, Part I
Against the Current No. 22, September/October 1989

The Soviet Working Class Enters the Stage
Against the Current No. 22, September/October 1989

Victor Serge's Critique of Stalinism, Part II
Against the Current, No. 14, May/June 1988

Victor Serge's World and Ours
Against the Current, No. 12-13, January-April 1988

Who Benefits from Reforms?
Against the Current, No. 10, September/October 1987