Malik Miah

Malik Miah is a retired aviation mechanic, union and antiracist activist. He is an advisory editor of Against the Current.

"Cop City" Must Be Shut Down!

A Question That Answers Itself

A Weapon vs. White Domestic Terrorists: Anti-Klan Act of 1871

Actors Walk the Picket Lines

Actors' Strike Vs. Hollywood & TV Shows Achieves Victory

Afghanistan: Taliban Victory the Product of US-NATO Intervention

Behind "100% Preventable” Rail Disaster: Anti-worker Deregulation, Corporate greed

Biden Claims "Success" While Resistance Grows inside Afghanistan

Black Workers Sue Tesla Over Systemic Racism

BLM stands with #EndSARS movement in Nigeria

Chauvin Trial -- One Battle Won, the War for Justice Continues

Cop Shoots Jacob Blake: Kenosha Intensifies Racial Reckoning

Death, Abuse and Super-exploitation of Children on Rise

Eileen Gu: Gold Medals at Olympics -- Anti-China Backlash at Home

Elijah McClain's Murder: Mother, Racial Justice Movement Win Indictments

Five Memphis Police Indicted for Murder

Harry Belafonte -- A Life of Fighting Racism and Oppression

Health Care Battles in a Post-COVID World

Henrietta Lacks Stolen Cancer Cells Expose Medical Racism

Hollywood, NY WGA Strike: “There Is No Industry Without Writers”

India’s Modi Receives Royal Treatment from Biden

Michigan Militia Terror Plot and the Election: What Does It Mean?

Opening the Door Wider to Jim Crow Laws?

Republicans Step up Racist, Anti-democratic Attacks

Republicans Target Trans, Gender-Diverse people

Screenwriters' Victory

Starbucks: Supreme Court rules 8-1 for Union Busting

Supreme Court Outlaws Affirmative Action, Falsely Claiming the U.S. Is a ‘Color Blind’ Society

Targeting Diversity, Equity & Inclusion in Higher Education

The “Tennessee Three:” For Democracy, Against Gun Violence

The Significance of “Uncommitted” Vote in Michigan

Three Palestinian Students Shot in Vermont

U.S. Supreme Court Upholds Jim Crow

United States: The Racist War on Terror after 9/11

Uvalde Mass Shooting Exposes Violence of Gun Culture & Endemic Racism

Vigilantes Given Green Light to Kill: Rittenhouse Is Acquitted

What Juneteenth Means in the Battle for Equality

Why Many Blacks Turn on Biden Over Palestine

Behind the Baltimore Bridge Collapse
Against the Current No. 231, July/August 2024

Profits Trump Public Safety
Against the Current No. 230, May/June 2024

Leader in a Time of Change
Against the Current No. 229, March/April 2024

King's Real View of Malcolm X
Against the Current No. 229, March/April 2024

Door Opens to Return of Jim Crow
Against the Current No. 228, January/February 2024

The Testing of America: Birmingham 1963
Against the Current No. 227, November/December 2023

Supreme Court Outlaws Affirmative Action
Against the Current No. 226, September/October 2023

Supreme Court Denies Black Voting in Mississippi
Against the Current No. 226, September/October 2023

Cruelty at the U.S.-Mexico Border
Against the Current No. 225, July/August 2023

In Defense of Being Awake
Against the Current, No. 224, May/June 2023

Killings by Police Rose in 2022
Against the Current, No. 223, March/April 2023

George Floyd, A Life
Against the Current, No. 222, January/February 2023

Detroit Police Kill -- Again
Against the Current, No. 221, November/December 2022

California's Reparations Task Force
Against the Current, No. 220, September/October 2022

The "Bruce's Beach"
Against the Current, No. 220, September/October 2022

Three Mothers Who Shaped a Nation
Against the Current, No. 219, July/August 2022

"Nationtime": The Black Political Convention
Against the Current, No. 218, May/June 2022

bell hooks -- Fiery Black Feminist
Against the Current, No. 217, March/April 2022

Why Critical Race Theory Is Important
Against the Current, No. 216, January-February 2022

Crime Scene at the U.S.-Mexico Border
Against the Current, No. 215, November/December 2021

Confronting Voter Suppression
Against the Current No. 214, September/October 2021

Palestinian Americans Take the Lead
Against the Current No. 213, July/August 2021

Conviction on All Three Counts in Chauvin Trial, Bail Revoked
Against the Current No. 212, May/June 2021

Bringing Malcolm to Life
Against the Current No. 212, May/June 2021

Health Care Inequalities, Racism and Death
Against the Current No. 211, March/April 2021

New Challenges for African Americans
Against the Current No. 210, January/February 2021

The American Caste System
Against the Current No. 210, January/February 2021

The U.S. Criminal Legal System
Against the Current No. 209, November/December 2020

"Good Trouble, Necessary Trouble"
Against the Current No. 208, September/October 2020

C.T. Vivian, Organizer and Teacher
Against the Current No. 208, September/October 2020

U.S. Erupts with Mass Protests
Against the Current, No. 207, July/August 2020

White Supremacy Symbols Falling
Against the Current, No. 207, July/August 2020

Virus Is Color Blind, Not Humans
Against the Current, No. 206, May/June 2020

"Not racist" vs. "Antiracist"
Against the Current, No. 204, January/February 2020

The Central Park Five Frameup
Against the Current, No. 202, September/October 2019

MLK in Memphis, 1968
Against the Current, No. 199, March/April 2019

Nationalism, Patriotism, Hate Crimes
Against the Current, No. 198, January/February 2019

The Constitutional Root of Racism
Against the Current, No. 197, November/December 2018

Architects of Mass Slaughter
Against the Current, No. 197, November/December 2018

Two Powerful Films on Indonesian Mass Terror
Against the Current, No. 197, November/December 2018

The White World and Black Reality
Against the Current, No. 196, September/October 2018

Against the Current, No. 195, July/August 2018

African Americans and Immigrant Workers
Against the Current, No. 194, May/June 2018

The New Poor People's Campaign
Against the Current, No. 193, March/April 2018

Black Nationalism, Black Solidarity
Against the Current, No. 192, January/February 2018

White Supremacy/Identity Politics
Against the Current, No. 191, November/December 2017

Choices Facing African Americans
Against the Current, No. 190, September/October 2017

Detroit's Rebellion at Fifty
Against the Current, No. 189, July/August 2017

Learn from Malcolm X
Against the Current, No. 188, May/June 2017

Making Trump's America Ungovernable
Against the Current, No. 187, March/April 2017

Obama's Legacy & the Rise of Trump
Against the Current, No. 186, January/February 2017

Institutional Racism & the Thirteenth Amendment
Against the Current, No. 185, November/December 2016

BLM Movement Grows Stronger
Against the Current, No. 184, September/October 2016

Muhammad Ali: Free Black Man
Against the Current, No. 183, July-August 2016

Why Blacks Vote for "Pragmatism"
Against the Current, No. 182, May/June 2016

Making Race Disappear
Against the Current, No. 181, March/April 2016

Bigotry vs. Black Lives, Muslims, Immigrants
Against the Current, No. 180, January/February 2016

Chicago Coverup and Upsurge
Against the Current, No. 180, January/February 2016

BLM: A Movement and Its Critics
Against the Current, No. 179, November/December 2015

Why Black Lives Matter Is Game Change
Against the Current, No. 178, September/October 2015

Police Violence in the Spotlight
Against the Current, No. 177, July/August 2015

The Murder of Walter Scott
Against the Current, No. 176, May/June 2015

Pushing Back Civil Rights
Against the Current, No. 175, March/April 2015

Whose Lives Matter in America?
Against the Current, No. 174, January/February 2015

African-American Self-Defense
Against the Current, No. 174, January/February 2015

Why a Killer Cop Is Not Arrested
Against the Current, No. 173, November/December 2014

Ferguson on Center Stage
Against the Current, No. 172, September/October 2014

Racism Refusing to Go Away
Against the Current, No. 171, July/August 2014

The Minimum Wage Debate
Against the Current, No. 170, May/June 2014

It's War on the Poor
Against the Current, No. 169, March/April 2014

Freedom Now Vision Unfinished
Against the Current, No. 168, January/February 2014

Obama, African Americans and War on the Working Poor
Against the Current, No. 167, November/December 2013

Two Americas -- Where Racism Lives
Against the Current, No. 166, September/October 2013

Austerity Is Not Colorblind
Against the Current, No. 165, July/August 2013

Immigration and Racial Bias
Against the Current, No. 164, May/June 2013

Lincoln, Django and Abolitionism
Against the Current, No. 163, March/April 2013

African Americans Ignored in the Age of Obama
Against the Current, No. 162, January/February 2013

Final Blow to Affirmative Action?
Against the Current, No. 161, November/December 2012

Why Race Matters in the 2012 Elections
Against the Current, No. 160, September/October 2012

Invaluable History and Important Lessons
Against the Current, No. 160, September/October 2012

Rolling Back Reconstruction
Against the Current, No. 159, July/August 2012

The Murder of Trayvon Martin
Against the Current, No. 158, May/June 2012

Who Speaks for the 99%
Against the Current, No. 157, March / April 2012

A Convergence of Realities
Against the Current, No. 156, January/February 2012

The Obama Reality Disconnect
Against the Current, No. 155, November/December 2011

Evolution not "Reinvention": Manning Marable's Malcolm X
Against the Current, No. 154, September/October 2011

A Whiff of Jim Crow
Against the Current, No. 153, July/August 2011

The Attack on American Muslims
Against the Current, No. 152, May/June 2011

Whither Social Security?
Against the Current, No. 151, March/April 2011

Prospects for African Americans
Against the Current, No. 150, January/February 2011

Race and Class: What About the Working Poor?
Against the Current, No. 149, November/December 2010

How Race Fuels Rightist Agenda
Against the Current, No. 148, September/October 2010

Arizona's Racial Profiling Push
Against the Current, No. 147, July/August 2010

Race & Class: Obama & the Politics of Protest
Against the Current, No. 146, May/June 2010

Race & Class: Obama Forgets Black Community
Against the Current, No. 145, March/April 2010

Race and Class: Blacks Still Taking the Hit
Against the Current, No. 144, January/February 2010

Right-Wing Assault, Liberal Retreat
Against the Current, No. 143, November/December 2009

Race and Class: African Americans in a Sick System
Against the Current, No. 142, September/October 2009

Race and Class: The Agenda of Pure Racism
Against the Current, No. 141, July/August 2009

The NAACP at 100
Against the Current, No. 140, May/June 2009

John Hope Franklin's Message
Against the Current, No. 140, May/June 2009

Race and Class: Downturn Undermines Black "Middle Class"
Against the Current, No. 139, March/April 2009

What Obama's Victory Means About Race and Class
Against the Current, No. 138, January/February 2009

The Financial Calamity, Blacks and Obama
Against the Current, No. 137, November/December 2008

The Elephant in the Room
Against the Current, No. 136, September/October 2008

Socialists and Barack Obama
Against the Current, No. 135, July/August 2008

Reverend Wright and Black Liberation Theology
Against the Current, No. 134, May/June 2008

A Union Defeated at United Air Lines
Against the Current, No. 134, May/June 2008

Voter ID Laws, Voter Fraud
Against the Current, No. 133, March/April 2008

Response to George Fish
Against the Current, No. 133, March/April 2008

Obama and "I Have a Dream" in 2008
Against the Current, No. 132, January/February 2008

Race and Class: What the Jena 6 Case Shows
Against the Current, No. 131, November/December 2007

Race and Class: Rolling Back Integration
Against the Current, No. 130, September/October 2007

Race and Class: Facing the New Backlash
Against the Current, No. 129, July/August 2007

Race and Class: What Is "Black Enough"?
Against the Current, No. 128, May/June 2007

Race and Class: Segregation Coming Back?
Against the Current, No. 127, March/April 2007

Racism and "Colorblind" Society
Against the Current, No. 126, January/February 2007

Racist Undercurrents in the "War on Terror"
Against the Current, No. 125, November/December 2006

Legalize Free Movement of Labor: Viewing A National Debate
Against the Current, No. 123, July/August 2006

Plight of Young Black Men: The Scars and the Crisis
Against the Current, No. 122, May/June 2006

New Strategy and Tactics for Labor in the Airlines: Beyond Bankruptcy
Against the Current, No. 121, March/April 2006

Race and Class: Paris to New Orleans
Against the Current, No. 120, January/February 2006

The Northwest Strike: Acid Test for Labor
Against the Current, No. 119, November/December 2005

The NAACP's Future
Against the Current, No. 118, September/October 2005

Pension Terminations
Against the Current, No. 117, July/August 2005

Rebellions and Black Wealth
Against the Current, No. 116, May/June 2005

Airline Bankruptcies & Workers' Control
Against the Current, No. 114, January/February 2005

A Victory on Pension at IBM
Against the Current, No. 113, November/December 2004

The Pension Crisis
Against the Current, No. 112, September/October 2004

Race and Class: Brown v. Board of Education 50 Years Later
Against the Current, No. 111, July/August 2004

Outsourcing & the Unions
Against the Current, No. 110, May/June 2004

Martin Luther King's Speech on Vietnam
Against the Current, No. 109, March/April 2004

Black Voters in 2004
Against the Current, No. 108, January/February 2004

The Defeat of Prop 54
Against the Current, No. 107, November/December 2003

Race and Class: Diversity or Equality?
Against the Current, No. 106, September/October 2003

Mechanics' Victory at United Airlines
Against the Current, No. 106, September/October 2003

Black America and the Iraq War
Against the Current, No. 104, May/June 2003

Race and Class: Defending Affirmative Action
Against the Current, No. 103, March/April 2003

United Airlines' Unfriendly Skies
Against the Current, No. 102, January/February 2003

Imperialism, Sovereignty and "Just Wars"
Against the Current, No. 101, November/December 2002

The Battle of the Docks
Against the Current, No. 101, November/December 2002

Race and Class: Cops and Videotapes
Against the Current, No. 100, September/October 2002

Race and Class: The Color-Blind Myth
Against the Current, No. 99, July/August 2002

Race and Class: Terrorism, Racism, Patriotism
Against the Current, No. 98, May/June 2002

Race and Class: Why Black Patriotism?
Against the Current, No. 97, March/April 2002

Our Enemy Is at Home
Against the Current, No. 96, January/February 2002

Indonesia: The Old Order Reviving
Against the Current, No. 95, November/December 2001

U.S. Labor as Collateral Damage
Against the Current, No. 95, November/December 2001

Race and Class: Israel's Apartheid Reality
Against the Current, No. 94, September/October 2001

Asian Americans and "Pearl Harbor"
Against the Current, No. 93, July/August 2001

The Politics of Islam, Indonesia's Ruling Elite and Democracy
Against the Current, No. 92, May/June 2001

Thieving Sons of Bushes
Against the Current, No. 91, March/April 2001

Race and Class: The Stolen Vote
Against the Current, No. 90, January/ February 2001

The Case for Reparations
Against the Current, No. 89, November/ December 2000

Race and Class: The Wealth Gap
Against the Current, No. 88, September/ October 2000

Where Is Indonesia Going?
Against the Current, No. 87, July/August 2000

Race and Class: What Counts in the Census?
Against the Current, No. 86, May/June 2000

Behind the Confederate Flag Controversy: The Unfinished Civil War
Against the Current, No. 85, March/April 2000

Racial Capitalism and the "Digital Divide"
Against the Current, No. 84, January/February 2000

East Timor and Indonesia's Political Explosion
Against the Current, No. 83, November/December 1999

Race and Class: Busing and Integration, 1975-99
Against the Current, No. 82, September/October 1999

Race and Politics: Profiling and DWB
Against the Current, No. 81, July/August 1999

Race and Politics: Indonesia's Ethnic Conflicts
Against the Current, No. 80, May/June 1999

Race and Politics: Blacks in Corporate America
Against the Current, No. 79, March/April 1999

Race and Politics
Against the Current, No. 78, January/February 1999

Race and Politics: A Color-Blind America?
Against the Current, No. 77, November/December 1998

Indonesia Update: An Economic Titanic
Against the Current, No. 76, September/October 1998

Rejoinder: The Dynamics of Revolution
Against the Current, No. 76, September/October 1998

Indonesia's Unfolding Democratic Revolution
Against the Current, No. 75, July/August 1998

Suharto's Days Are Numbered: Protests, Riots Rise as Clinton and IMF Back Dictator's Regime
Against the Current, No. 73, March/April 1998

Repression and Revival: Revolutionary Prospects for Indonesia, Part 2
Against the Current, No. 72, January/February 1998

Revolutionary Prospects for Indonesia
Against the Current, No. 71, November/December 1997

Class and the African-American Leadership Crisis
Against the Current, No. 63, July/August 1996

The Firing of Ben Chavis
Against the Current, No. 53, November/December 1994

Cornel West's Race Matters
Against the Current, No. 50, May/June 1994