Éric Toussaint

Éric Toussaint is president of the Committee for the Abolition of Illegitimate Debt (CADTM) and author of The Debt System: A History of Sovereign Debts and Their Repudiation (Haymarket Books, 2019). He is an historian and politial scientist.

“Developing Countries” Are Trapped in a New Debt Crisis

“The Canary in the Coal Mine”: Sri Lanka’s Crisis is a Chronicle Foretold

G7: Suspend Ukrainian Debt Payments -- Or Not

International Appeal for the Immediate Release of All Political Prisoners in Russia

International Food Crisis & Proposals to Overcome It

The G20’s Solutions -- Not! -- and the Need to Suspend Debt Repayment

Why Should Ukraine’s Debt Be Canceled?

Nicaragua 1979-2019
Against the Current, No. 201, July/August 2019

Brazil: Trump Ally Celebrates Coup
Against the Current, No. 200, May/June 2019

The Soviets and Tsarist Debt
Against the Current, No. 195, July/August 2018

Has Europe's Crisis Peaked Yet?
Against the Current, No. 155, November/December 2011