Dianne Feeley is an editor of Against the Current. She is a retired autoworker active with Autoworker Caravan, a network of active and retired autoworkers who advocate for union democracy and a non-fossil fuel transporation industry. She is also active in Detroit Eviction Defense.
International Appeal for the Immediate Release of All Political Prisoners in Russia
Opposition to the "War on Women"
The Biden Administration's Foreign Policy
Oil Dollars at Work
Against the Current No. 235, March/April 2025
After Roe, the Anti-Abortion Duluge
Against the Current No. 230, May/June 2024
The Case of Oleg Orlov
Against the Current No. 230, May/June 2024
Innovatively Stretching Marxism
Against the Current No. 230, May/June 2024
Labor Calls for Ceasefire Now!
Against the Current No. 228, January/February 2024
UAW Faces the Tasks Ahead
Against the Current No. 228, January/February 2024
Strategies for Union Victories
Against the Current No. 227, November/December 2023
UAW Strike Continues to Expand
Against the Current No. 226, September/October 2023
The Myth of California Exposed
Against the Current No. 226, September/October 2023
Strange Career of the Comstock Law
Against the Current, No. 224, May/June 2023
Another Restructuring: A Challenge for the UAW
Against the Current, No. 224, May/June 2023
Frank Thompson, 1942-2021
Against the Current, No. 224, May/June 2023
Nicaraguan Political Prisoners Freed, Deported
Against the Current, No. 223, March/April 2023
Before & After Roe: Scary Times, Then & Now
Against the Current, No. 223, March/April 2023
A New Day for UAW Members?
Against the Current, No. 222, January/February 2023
Surveilling and Judging Women
Against the Current, No. 221, November/December 2022
UAW Members Vote at Last
Against the Current, No. 221, November/December 2022
2022 Labor Notes Conference
Against the Current, No. 220, September/October 2022
UAW Convention: Change in the Wind
Against the Current, No. 220, September/October 2022
Rising Up at Amazon
Against the Current, No. 218, May/June 2022
The Movement, the Plants, the Party
Against the Current, No. 217, March/April 2022
Mike Parker (1940-2022)
Against the Current, No. 217, March/April 2022
Reproductive Justice Under the Gun
Against the Current, No. 216, January-February 2022
Reproductive Justice on the Line
Against the Current, No. 215, November/December 2021
One Member, One Vote: Taking Back Our Union
Against the Current No. 214, September/October 2021
Alabama Strike Continues
Against the Current No. 214, September/October 2021
A Life of Struggle: Grace Carlson
Against the Current No. 213, July/August 2021
Karen Lewis, 1953-2021
Against the Current No. 212, May/June 2021
Detroit Police, Image and Reality
Against the Current No. 211, March/April 2021
What About the Shootings?
Against the Current No. 211, March/April 2021
The McCloskeys as Keynoters
Against the Current No. 209, November/December 2020
Homeownership and Racial Inequality
Against the Current, No. 207, July/August 2020
A New Economy Envisioned?
Against the Current, No. 206, May/June 2020
Margaret Shaper Jordan, 1942-2020
Against the Current, No. 205, March/April 2020
Beyond the 2019 UAW Negotiations
Against the Current, No. 204, January/February 2020
Detroit Foreclosed
Against the Current, No. 203, November/December 2019
An Overview of Detroit's Affordable Housing
Against the Current, No. 203, November/December 2019
What the Sanders' Campaign Opens
Against the Current, No. 202, September/October 2019
Sandinismo Is in the Streets
Against the Current, No. 201, July/August 2019
Making the Green New Deal Real
Against the Current, No. 200, May/June 2019
GM Closures -- What's Next?
Against the Current, No. 198, January/February 2019
Colorblind Law -- NOT
Against the Current, No. 198, January/February 2019
Nancy Gruber, 1930-2018
Against the Current, No. 198, January/February 2019
Latin America Crises and Contradictions
Against the Current, No. 197, November/December 2018
State of the UAW
Against the Current, No. 195, July/August 2018
Can a Minority Overthrow the Majority?
Against the Current, No. 194, May/June 2018
Reproductive Justice in an Age of Austerity
Against the Current, No. 193, March/April 2018
Estar Baur (1920-2017)
Against the Current, No. 192, January/February 2018
How the UAW Lost at Nissan
Against the Current, No. 190, September/October 2017
Did Scandal Tip the Balance?
Against the Current, No. 190, September/October 2017
Mike Hamlin (1935-2017)
Against the Current, No. 190, September/October 2017
The People vs. Big Oil
Against the Current, No. 190, September/October 2017
A Tale of Two Detroits
Against the Current, No. 189, July/August 2017
Regulation -- Who Needs It?
Against the Current, No. 188, May/June 2017
Regina Pyrko McNulty (1923-2016)
Against the Current, No. 188, May/June 2017
Lillian Pollak
Against the Current, No. 187, March/April 2017
Abortion Victory
Against the Current, No. 184, September/October 2016
Detroit's Tax Foreclosure Crisis
Against the Current, No. 184, September/October 2016
Trouble Down in Texas (and elsewhere)
Against the Current, No. 182, May/June 2016
Destroying Detroit Schools
Against the Current, No. 182, May/June 2016
Auto's Permanent Temporaries
Against the Current, No. 182, May/June 2016
Big Three Contracts: Who Won?
Against the Current, No. 180, January/February 2016
The Art of Carnage
Against the Current, No. 179, November/December 2015
A Majority Black Police Force -- It's Not Enough
Against the Current, No. 177, July/August 2015
A Recipe for Killing a School System
Against the Current, No. 177, July/August 2015
Detroit's Foreclosure Disaster
Against the Current, No. 177, July/August 2015
Marx and the Family Revisited
Against the Current, No. 175, March/April 2015
What's Behind Detroit Happy Talk?
Against the Current, No. 174, January/February 2015
What September 21st Showed
Against the Current, No. 173, November/December 2014
Claudia Morcum, Civil Rights Righter
Against the Current, No. 173, November/December 2014
Is Water a Human Right in Detroit?
Against the Current, No. 172, September/October 2014
Detroit: Your Pension and Your Life!
Against the Current, No. 172, September/October 2014
Foreclosure Is Blight!
Against the Current, No. 171, July/August 2014
Richmond: Company Town or People's Town?
Against the Current, No. 171, July/August 2014
Update on Detroit
Against the Current, No. 170, May/June 2014
Reproductive Rights Assaulted
Against the Current, No. 169, March/April 2014
Black Workers, Fordism and the UAW
Against the Current, No. 168, January/February 2014
Which Way Out for Detroit?
Against the Current, No. 167, November/December 2013
Detroit: Restructured or Ravaged?
Against the Current, No. 164, May/June 2013
Reproductive Justice Needed
Against the Current, No. 163, March/April 2013
The Century of Rosa Parks
Against the Current, No. 163, March/April 2013
Back to the 1920s?
Against the Current, No. 162, January/February 2013
Other Horrendous Acts
Against the Current, No. 162, January/February 2013
Northern Freedom Chronicles
Against the Current, No. 162, January/February 2013
Flint Sitdowner: Olen Ham (1917-2012)
Against the Current, No. 161, November/December 2012
The Takeover of Motor City
Against the Current, No. 158, May/June 2012
Occupy and Detroit's Crisis
Against the Current, No. 156, January/February 2012
Big Three Auto Contracts: Lowlights of 2011
Against the Current, No. 155, November/December 2011
Women in the Paris Commune
Against the Current, No. 153, July/August 2011
Gutting Cities and Public Education
Against the Current, No. 152, May/June 2011
Detroit: Disappearing City?
Against the Current, No. 150, January/February 2011
Detroit Symphony Musicians on Strike
Against the Current, No. 150, January/February 2011
Bob King and the "New" UAW
Against the Current, No. 149, November/December 2010
The Long War at Staley
Against the Current, No. 149, November/December 2010
U.S. Social Forum in Detroit
Against the Current, No. 146, May/June 2010
Washington's Post-Cold War Coup
Against the Current, No. 145, March/April 2010
Guatemala Coup Fails
Against the Current, No. 145, March/April 2010
German Auto Workers in the Crisis
Against the Current, No. 144, January/February 2010
Saving Corporations, Sacrificing Workers
Against the Current, No. 140, May/June 2009
Bailing Out Banks, Smashing Unions
Against the Current, No. 138, January/February 2009
Labor's Disaster at American Axle
Against the Current, No. 137, November/December 2008
Everything's on the Line at AAM
Against the Current, No. 134, May/June 2008
Winter Soldier 2008
Against the Current, No. 134, May/June 2008
The Obama-Clinton Contest
Against the Current, No. 133, March/April 2008
Review: Riding the Bus to Freedom
Against the Current, No. 132, January/February 2008
Facing the Toyota "Pattern"
Against the Current, No. 131, November/December 2007
Auto Armageddon?
Against the Current, No. 130, September/October 2007
Finding Workers Power
Against the Current, No. 130, September/October 2007
Unselling War
Against the Current, No. 129, July/August 2007
Review: Escaping the Iron Cage
Against the Current, No. 128, May/June 2007
Reproductive Rights Today
Against the Current, No. 126, January/February 2007
War and the Culture of Violence
Against the Current, No. 125, November/December 2006
Pioneers of Resistance
Against the Current, No. 123, July/August 2006
A Record of Resistance
Against the Current, No. 121, March/April 2006
A Massive Crisis in Auto: Delphi, GM, the UAW, and Soldiers of Solidarity
Against the Current, No. 120, January/February 2006
Solidarity with Iraqi Labor
Against the Current, No. 118, September/October 2005
Women of Color & Reproductive Rights
Against the Current, No. 117, July/August 2005
Personal Reflections: Saving Social Security
Against the Current, No. 116, May/June 2005
Civil Liberties on Trial
Against the Current, No. 115, March/April 2005
U.S. Unions & the War
Against the Current, No. 113, November/December 2004
Nicaragua Twenty-five Years Later
Against the Current, No. 112, September/October 2004
The Contract Struggle at an Auto Parts Plant
Against the Current, No. 110, May/June 2004
Chronicles of A Long War
Against the Current, No. 109, March/April 2004
UAW: Undermining Solidarity
Against the Current, No. 106, September/October 2003
Labor Speaking Out Against Bush's War
Against the Current, No. 103, March/April 2003
Women's Experiences of War
Against the Current, No. 103, March/April 2003
The Battle of the Docks
Against the Current, No. 101, November/December 2002
Longshore Battle: Bush, Butt Out!
Against the Current, No. 100, September/October 2002
"Love for Sale," A Sex Trade Exhibition
Against the Current, No. 100, September/October 2002
Militant Islam in Central Asia
Against the Current, No. 99, July/August 2002
UAW Abandons Accuride Local
Against the Current, No. 98, May/June 2002
Sol Dollinger, 1920-2001
Against the Current, No. 98, May/June 2002
Accuride: A UAW Local's Lonely Strugge
Against the Current, No. 97, March/April 2002
Paramilitaries, Multinationals and Colombian Labor
Against the Current, No. 95, November/December 2001
Support Builds for the Charleston Five
Against the Current, No. 94, September/October 2001
A Painful Struggle for Renewal
Against the Current, No. 87, July/August 2000
Battle in Nicaragua's Maquiladoras
Against the Current, No. 87, July/August 2000
Eileen Gersh, 1913-1998
Against the Current, No. 77, November/December 1998
Leslie Reagan's "When Abortion Was A Crime"
Against the Current, No. 76, September/October 1998
The Struggles of Women in Brazil
Against the Current, No. 73, March/April 1998
Why Southeast Asia Burned
Against the Current, No. 72, January/February 1998
Court Ruling Hits Detroit Newspaper Workers
Against the Current, No. 70, September/October 1997
Recovering the Sandinista Murals
Against the Current, No. 67, March/April 1997
The '96 Nicaraguan Elections: How Aleman "Won"
Against the Current, No. 66, January/February 1997
Can Repression Save Indonesia's Suharto?
Against the Current, No. 65, November/December 1996
Ken Saro-Wiwa's Antiwar Masterpiece
Against the Current, No. 62, May/June 1996
Haiti: The Elections and After
Against the Current, No. 59, November/December 1995
How Washington "Aids" Haiti
Against the Current, No. 54, January/February 1995
Massacre in the Guatemalan Jungle
Against the Current, No. 53, November/December 1994
Central America After Reaganism
Against the Current, No. 45, July/August 1993
Backlash in the Workplace
Against the Current, No. 43, March/April 1993
A Party for the 21st Century
Against the Current, No. 41, November/December 1992
Movements of the Unemployed
Against the Current, No. 39, July/August 1992
Anita Hill--and Ourselves
Against the Current, No. 35, November/December 1991
Forging A Union of Steel
Against the Current, No. 33, July/August 1991
Ford Battles Mexican Workers
Against the Current, No. 27, July/August 1990
The Elections--And Afterwards
Against the Current, No. 26, May/June 1990
Childcare: Unfinished Agenda
Against the Current, No. 26, May/June 1990
A Comment on Reproductive Rights: Whose Right To Choose?
Against the Current, No. 21, July/August 1989
South Africa's Media Scam
Against the Current, No. 14, May/June 1988
Privilege's Paradise Lost
Against the Current No 7, January-February 1987
Bernie Sanders' Campaign: A Step Forward
Against the Current No. 4-5, September-December 1986
Abortion Rights: Contested Terrain
Against the Current, No. 3, May/June 1986
COSATU: New Trend Emerges in South Africa Freedom Struggle
Against the Current, No. 2, March/April 1986