Rafael Bernabe

Rafael Bernabe is a Puerto Rican activist, sociologist and historian. He was one of four island-wide representatives of the Movimiento Victoria Cuidadana (MVC) who won office in the 2020 elections. He is the author of Walt Whitman and His Caribbean and co-author of Puerto Rico in the American Century: A History since 1898 with César J. Ayala.

Saito, Marx and the Anthropocene
Against the Current No. 225, July/August 2023

Puerto Rico's Multi-layered Crisis
Against the Current No. 211, March/April 2021

Marx Turns 200: A Mixed Gift
Against the Current, No. 196, September/October 2018

Open Letter to the People of the United States from Puerto Rico, a month after Hurricane María
Against the Current, No. 191, November/December 2017

Punitive Neoliberalism in Puerto Rico
Against the Current, No. 191, November/December 2017

U.S. Workers & Puerto Rico's Crisis
Against the Current, No. 179, November/December 2015

Thompson, William Morris and Ecosocialist Tasks
Against the Current, No. 167, November/December 2013

The Battle for Puerto Rico's Labor Movement
Against the Current, No. 139, March/April 2009

Washington's Capital Crimes in Puerto Rico
Against the Current, No. 94, September/October 2001

Puerto Rico's La Huelga del Pueblo
Against the Current, No. 76, September/October 1998

Puerto Rico's Strike Against Privatization
Against the Current, No. 71, November/December 1997

Further Dialogue on Pornography
Against the Current, No. 67, March/April 1997

On Queer Internationalism
Against the Current, No. 66, January/February 1997

Puerto Rico's Plebiscite
Against the Current, No. 48, January/February 1994

Confronting Anti-Choice Forces in Puerto Rico
Against the Current, No. 48, January/February 1994