Howie Hawkins

Howie Hawkins is a long-time Green Party activist who has run for public office. He is a retired teamster and was a rank-and-file activist in his union. In 2014, when he ran for governor in New York state, he won more than five percent of the vote, regaining the party’s ballot status. Hawkins was the 2020 Green Party’s presidential candidate and is a member of the Ukraine Solidarity Network.

Socialist Support of the Green Party
Against the Current No. 232, September/October 2024

Congress Fiddles While Ukraine Burns
Against the Current No. 230, May/June 2024

Sergey Lavrov and Vulgar Anti-Imperialism
Against the Current No. 229, March/April 2024

On Imperialism Today
Against the Current No. 227, November/December 2023

The Green Party Debates Ukraine
Against the Current No. 225, July/August 2023

Which Green New Deal?
Against the Current, No. 203, November/December 2019

Howie Hawkins' Statement on Presidential Run
Against the Current, No. 203, November/December 2019

The Green Party After the Election
Against the Current, No. 186, January/February 2017

Stein-Baraka Ticket
Against the Current, No. 186, January/February 2017

Time for an Independent Party
Against the Current, No. 183, July-August 2016

A Green New Deal for New York
Against the Current, No. 172, September/October 2014

Renewing New York
Against the Current, No. 151, March/April 2011

Nader, Greens and Socialists
Against the Current, No. 91, March/April 2001

"...there are two sorts of radical demands we should be raising: peace conversion and ecological industrial conversion"
Against the Current, No. 25, March/April 1990