Gilbert Achcar

Gilbert Achcar grew up in Lebanon. He is professor of Development Studies and International Relations at the School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS) in London. His forthcoming book is The New Cold War: Chronicle of a Confrontation Foretold. He has also written Morbid Symptoms: Relapse in the Arab Uprising (2016) and The People Want: A Radical Exploration of the Arab Uprising (2013), The Clash of Barbarisms (2nd expanded edition 2006) and The Arabs and the Holocaust: The Arab-Israeli War of Narratives (2010).

Conflict in Sudan: "Life-and-death battle"

International Appeal for the Immediate Release of All Political Prisoners in Russia

Israel’s Genocidal War After Four Months

Lebanon’s Ceasefire Is No “Divine Victory”

On Hamas’s October Counter-Offensive

Peace Between Neofascists: War on Oppressed Peoples

Putin’s War in Ukraine: In Saddam Hussein’s footsteps

The Coming Israeli Attack on Iran

The Crisis is Permanent: Middle East and North Africa After 2011

The First Decade of the Arab Revolutionary Process

The First US-Israeli Joint War

Two Gaza Scenarios: Greater Israel vs. Oslo

Behind Lebanon's Catastrophe
Against the Current No. 208, September/October 2020

Disasters in Syria and Yemen
Against the Current, No. 182, May/June 2016

Russia's Intervention and Syria's Future
Against the Current, No. 182, May/June 2016

On Egypt
Against the Current, No. 166, September/October 2013

Can People Get What They Want?
Against the Current, No. 166, September/October 2013

The Empire in Decline
Against the Current, No. 162, January/February 2013

Egypt and Beyond
Against the Current, No. 151, March/April 2011

The Middle East in Flames
Against the Current, No. 124, September/October 2006

The Danger in Lebanon
Against the Current, No. 120, January/February 2006

The Occupation and the Anti-War Movement After the Election
Against the Current, No. 115, March/April 2005

Don't Let the B2s Get You Down
Against the Current, No. 104, May/June 2003