Achin Vanaik

Achin Vanaik (b.1947) is a well-known scholar and commentator on global politics and international relations. He graduated in economics and statistics from the University of Bristol, England in 1970. Subsequently, he became actively involved (1971-1974) with the Free University of Black Studies for promoting political awareness of non-white immigrant communities in Britain.

From 1978-1990 he was an assistant editor with The Times of India, where Vanaik wrote extensively as a critic of nuclear weapons and advocated disarmament. Since 1988 Vanaik has been associated with the Transnational Institute (TNI), Amsterdam, Netherlands and has held various academic positions at the Academy of the Third World Studies, Jamia Milia Islamia University, New Delhi, the University of Delhi and Nehru Memorial Museum and Library.

The Menace of Hindutva
Against the Current No. 231, July/August 2024